Pins & Holds

Pins & Holds

5 Seasons

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Pins & Holds
  • Eco Drills - Side Control - Escapes - Side to Side

    Episode 1

    This is the first video in a series that looks at ecological drilling options within the context of escaping side control.
    In this initial video, we look at the importance of moving sideways and not remaining flat - if your shoulders are flat, you are doomed!

  • Eco Drills - Side Control - Escapes - Move your hips

    Episode 2

    This is the second video in a series that looks at ecological drilling options within the context of escaping side control.
    In this video, we look at the importance of moving your hips away - something that should be emphasised more often when scrambling back to the knees, or seeking space to rep...

  • Eco Drills - Side Control - Escapes - Escape Direction

    Episode 3

    This is the third video in a series that looks at ecological drilling options within the context of escaping side control.
    In this video, we look at the most likely escape options folks will have and how to help students figure out efficient escape paths for themselves.

  • Eco Drills - Side Control - Escapes - Run away

    Episode 4

    This is the fourth & final video in a series that looks at ecological drilling options within the context of escaping side control.
    In this video, we look at developing the fine skill of running away - specifically getting students used to the idea of moving to turtle - with appropriate handfigh...